Thursday, May 15, 2008

Web - Evaluate the Interface Design

Portfolio Web Page Concept.

The Loading page to the main interface was first going to be a boot up screen (Dos based) of a standard start up from a PC. Simple white text on and black background. after coming up with the hole concept of the main interface this type of loading screen would not suet.
For the final loading screen i will keep in simpler to the interface. Ill use a colorless crayon as the loading bar. The crayon will remain colours less until the loading process starts and the crayon fills with colour.
Sound will be kept minimal. The only sound i will use is the sound of the hand eating the crayons.
Im not sure how flash will handle photos on the hand monster. ill have to experiment with different resolutions to keep down the file size.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi,Designers usually offer HTML and graphics services and create visually focused web pages. The difference between a designer and a developer is that a developer usually has more back-end programming skills in Web Design Cochin and a designer is more focused on the look and feel.Thanks.........